
Beng Beng Cocktail が解散を発表


それは Beng Beng Cocktail が解散するという情報だ。



そういやBBCの最新アルバムChoicesに収録されてる「Why Hip Hop Doesn't Rhyme With Hope」っていう曲、今思えばこの曲にはJonの思いが綴られているような気がしてならない。Crystalcoreでスカ・パンクシーンに新しい風を吹かせたように、ヒップホップに行っても新しい風を巻き起こして欲しい。



Hi everybody... We have sad news to announce...
After 6 years of friendship, 6 years of fun/parties/live shows, 6 years of making music between friends, 2 albums/1 demo/1 EP/1 split Cd...
After all this, we have to tell you that Beng Beng Cocktail doesn't exist anymore. We are still friends together but Jon wants to live something different and wants to try to start an hip hop career as an MC. We wish him the best luck in his new project and will put some links here if something happens.
We would like to thank all the followers here on facebook, all the people that moved to our shows, all the people following us since the beginning and helping us : riot ska and Chris above all but all the other labels too and all the promoters that booked shows for us.
We will for sure keep playing music Befa and I, but I think we'll come back to something electric. We'll keep you posted about that too.
Thanx again, we had a great time. We're sad but happy to start something new too...

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